that I had never experienced before. I could just envision that they would tie me up and dress me in female clothes--the blonde's clothes--dress and heels and everything--and then proceed to beat me into an unconscious state.
But the impossible happened. The other girl got up and hit the big blond over the head with a lamp. The glass clattered to the floor and the blond with it in a heap of massive flesh. She must have weighed two hundred pounds because the old floor in the tenement shook with the weight of her fall. Startled, I looked down at her only to realize that her wig had fallen off and she was actually a transvestite....a man....but perfect in the art of dis- guise. I suddenly realized how different facets of "her" character had caused me to wonder. The gruffness of "her" voice during the shoe sale even. I had never met such an expert impersonator as the blond.
The force with which the other girl, Jane had hit the blond jarred her also. And I noticed she too wore a wig. Her real hair was black. What the hell was going on here I thought. I examined Jane more critically. Yes, she was about my size too, only not heavy but slender--about one hundred and fifteen or twenty. Yet they were probably the same dress size. In the store and even here I had been attracted by the blond and hadn't paid particular atten- tion to the other girl.
The girl's real hair was pinned down real tight on her head and the wig was drawn over it. Still it was definitely a wig. The other girl spoke:
"I'm sorry Al, I don't know why I let him do it. I was just crazy. I've known him a long time and get a bang out of his cavort- ing about in girl's clothes. I guess I knew he was crazy enough to do something terrible like this. And when I saw you in the store the other day, I decided to bring him in and see if we could coax you into....well, I'm still puzzled about those pictures you had a long time ago."
June, June, sure, Doris June Wilson. The wig threw me of course. The voice, the size and now this.
"You're Doris? Doris Wilson?" I fell back onto the sofa.
"Yes, I've been crazy about gay life and stuff since, well, I started to college and then left. I guess I got tired of it and